Boutique Dog Boarding &
Cage-free Dog Daycare
Specializing in the care of Small to Medium (up to 45lbs) Dogs

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All About Sitting Pretty
At Sitting Pretty, we’re not just a dog care company, this is our hearts at work. We believe that dogs and their humans deserve more than what the industry currently has to offer. This is why we’re constantly updating our dog daycare in every way, striving to prove caring custom service and a healthy environment for dogs to play and stay.
We are focused on delivering a consistently higher level of dog care, and vastly improved pet owner experience. That way more people have access to a higher standard of dog care.

Hours of Operation
We are in a home setting in a East Torrance neighborhood; we follow very strict guidelines when it comes to our hours of operation. Nonetheless, we are working with the dogs 24/7.
We are open for operation Monday-Friday from 7:00AM to 6:00PM.
Saturday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. We are closed to foot-traffic on Sundays. We can provide you with an 1hr appointment for drop off and/or pick up between 8AM to 4:00 PM at an additional fee.
Although there is a team member present 24 hours a day, all dogs must be picked up during hours of operation. Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate pick-ups and drop-offs outside of our business hours. All dogs must be picked up by closing time or they will be required to spend the night. Clients who disturb the daycare after closing hours will be charged a $50.00 fee in addition to the overnight fee.

Checking In and Checking Out Procedures
Please, please have your dog on leash and be in control of your dog upon entering/exiting the reception area. This is an important step in maintaining a safe environment and setting a well-mannered tone. Also, keep in mind 223rd is a very busy/dangerous street and you should park on Harvard. If you need assistance with your dog’s arrival or supplies, just ask – the safety of your dog always comes first. We will always ask you to text on arrival for pick-up/drop off.
When checking your dog in, please communicate any special needs your dog may have which will help us to care for them. For example: allergies, recent injuries or surgeries, hot spots, wounds, fear, TLC, etc.
Make sure to shut all doors securely behind you for the safety of all dogs.
Please label all your dog’s personal belongings clearly, including their leash, food, and any medication.
Clearly write down all medication, special needs, etc., on the pop-up when making a reservation in the designated areas on the overnight check-in.
Please report any feedback, strange behaviors, or illnesses immediately. It is important for us to be aware to monitor and for the health and safety of all dogs visiting us.
Our Entrance Gate is locked at all times for the security of our clients' pets. If you see another dog at our entrance gate, refrain from approaching with your dog. Wait until they are out of the area to approach our entrance. This is one reason why we require you notify us when you have arrived. Upon your arrival, we will meet you at the gate and invite you inside.
Please notify us if you are unable to pick up your dog on time, so that we may arrange to feed dinner.
If someone other than the owner(s) listed on your dog's form is picking up your dog, text/email us in advance with the name/date/time they will be picking up your dog and your authorization to do so. Notify them of our policy of calling/texting on arriving at Sitting Pretty and that our entrance is on Harvard. Thank you for helping us keep all the pets safe and happy.
Cage-Free Doggie Daycare
When checking your dog in, please inform staff whether they will need any additional services such as a bath, lunch, or dinner.
*If requesting a lunch or dinner feeding, please provide food. An additional fee will be assessed if Sitting Pretty’s food is provided for your dog.
*If requesting a bath, please indicate the approximate time you will be picking up your dog. The earliest bath time starts is 10am.
Overnight Boarding Procedures
When making your reservation on Gingr, choose the type of service, your dates.
Indicate the time you will be dropping off and picking up your dog.
Indicate if you want your dog bathed upon departure or any other additional service ie treadmill or laser treatment. We highly recommend baths for dogs staying over four days.
Make sure to include all special instructions (allergies, nap time outs, current injuries, etc.)
Clearly indicate feeding instructions including the brand of food and exact amounts to feed your pup.
Measure out the adequate amount of food your dog will need for their meals during their stay. And, add two extra days in case of an emergency or spillage.
We prefer it if you prepackage meals into individual zip lock bags (1 baggie per meal).
A 20lb or larger bags of food will be accepted if your dog is here for an extended time period. If you do not bring food, you will be asked to purchase (sent through Amazon) food your dog’s prefers. If enough food is not supplied, we will provide food at a starting rate of $3 per meal.
Please make sure to label all belongings, including food bags, with your dog’s first and last name.
No need to bring scoops, bowls, can covers, or other items you want returned -- we have all these items.
Dogs must be picked up and dropped off during our hours of operation.
For the safety and well-being of the dogs staying with us, dogs being checked in for overnight care must be here by 3 pm; the earlier the better if your dog is under 2 years old. You are charged by the night, so there is no extra fee to arrive in the morning for a full day of play.
If you are dropping off multiple dogs, please indicate if they need to be fed separately or sleep separately.
Overnight boarding is changed by the night stay. Check-out at 11:00 am, covering morning feeding and playtime.
Late Day Check-Out includes a day of play. A $25 fee will be add to final day if check-out is after 11:00am to the close of day.

RESERVATIONS Reservations are required for overnight boarding through Gingr app or by calling us (310) 937-6369. We recommend making reservations a couple weeks in advance and at least one month in advance for holidays and peak seasons. Space is limited. Daycare reservations are required during the holidays. Due to our limited capacity, we might need to suspend Daycare services during and around holiday time.
CANCELLATION POLICY Reservations must be cancelled 48 hours in advance. If you fail to give required notice, you will be charged the cost of a two nights stay. Failure to cancel any reservation will be considered a “no-show”. All no-shows during a holiday will be charged for their full intended stay. If/when a deposit is made with a credit card, we will only be able to offer store credit as a refund.
July 4th, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year Reservations: Require a 7 day cancellation notice. Reservations not cancelled with a minimum notice of 7 days prior to the start of their intended stay will be charged 50% of their intended stay. Partial changes or revisions are considered cancellations. All no-shows for a July 4th, Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Year reservation may be charged their full intended stay.
Additional Information
VACCINATIONS All dogs must be current on required vaccinations. Please make sure to give us or up-load proof of updated shots regularly. Although all dogs must be vaccinated, and we disinfect regularly, it is still possible for your dog to contract viruses or bacteria. For this reason, it is important for you to communicate any illness or irregularities you notice with your dog.
COLLAR AND TAGS Every dog are required to wear a quick release collar with a name tag. Buckle collars are not acceptable to wear at daycare, they pose a serious safety risk.
AGE SPECIFIC ISSUES The comfort and safety of your dog is important to us. Senior dogs over age ten (10) and puppies less than thirteen (13) months may be at a greater risk for some age-related illnesses or events. For senior dogs, the stress of boarding or being in a cage free environment may increase the need for medical attention and a specific “Senior Waiver” must be completed for our files. Puppies under nine (9) months who are still developing physically and mentally may be at higher risk for skeletal issues, growing pains, fractures, illnesses such as kennel cough or giardia, and acceleration or increased severity of inherited conditions.
MEDICAL ATTENTION All dogs are screened for aggression, even though it is not common here, fights can still occur. It is also possible for puncture wounds to happen during play sessions. In the event of a fight or injury, we will bring any dogs needing medical attention to a local vet right away. Any dog responsible will incur all vet bills if applicable. If your dog needs medical care during their stay, we will bring them to Ohana Veterinary Hospital (less than 1.5 miles away) or a local ER and bill you for the fees.
We always attempt to contact the owner or emergency contact person before providing any medical attention unless you have instructed us otherwise. It is important to note, especially on your dog’s first overnight stay, that your dog may experience signs of fatigue that includes sleeping, loss of appetite and general lethargy. This might last 2-3 days, after which your dog(s) should bounce back to normal. If the symptoms continue, please contact us ASAP.